Sample of Taba’s Inductive Thinking Based lesson Plan on Transportation
Dr. Pargat Singh Garcha
Subject: Science/Social Science Class: 6th
Transportation Date: July
20, 2016
Inductive Thinking Time: 40-50 minutes
will utilize scientific processes for concept formation.
will develop logical thinking.
Expected Behavioral Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will
be able to:
1. Enlist
different examples of transport.
2. Classify
different ways of transport.
3. Label
groups on the basis of the common attributes of different examples.
4. Define
the types of transport by writing
their basic characteristics.
5. Generate
more examples of different types of transport.
Subject Content
Resources :
notes, Whiteboard,
marker, visual aid, Data set
Strategy 2: Concept Formation
Teacher Activity
Student Activity
Phase1: Listing
Step 1: Development (Brainstorming
Teacher asks the students to open note books and
write names of different
in which people use to transport themselves from one place to another?
Students will prepare a list of various ways of transport on Paper
through this Brainstorming session. Possible list may be
(Auto, Truck, Airplane,
bus, Jets, Horse, Camel, Ship, Skateboards,
Boats of all kinds, raft, Cable cars innertubes, bicycle, Cars, Van, Helicopter,
Phase 2 : Grouping
Step 2
* Teacher will say, Wow, we have a lot of different types of transport
up here.
Are there any that you see that can go
What is common in the different
examples in this list?
*Students try to categorize their triangles into groups based on some
similarities. Possible lists can be
(Trains, Cars, truck, bus, van, motorcycle)
(Skates, Skateboards, bicycle,
(Airplane, Jet, helicopter, Rockets.)
(Ship, Boats of all kinds, raft,
Phase 3: Labeling
Step 3
Teacher asks students to label the categories they
Create a sample group together as a class. Talk about
why they can
be considered a group and then create a name for the
Students try to find appropriate labels for the different ways of
transportation they constructed in step 1 of the lesson.
Common groups that the students can Label are:
Air Transport, animals, Things that have wheels, Motor Vehicles, Things
that fly, Things without motors, Water transportation, Things with wheels and
Track vehicle etc.
Data Collection
(data retrieval chart)
Step 4 (student-centered activity)
Teacher at this stage motivates students to
reframe their labels with correction in categories, Final labels they will put
in the data Chart.
Students can revise their lists and re-group under the labels discussed
with teacher.
Like Land Transport, Air Transport, Water
Transport etc.
Strategy 2: Interpretation of Data
Teacher Activity
Student Activity
Phase 4 and 5:
Identify and
explain dimensions and relationships
Teacher asks the students to mention the basis on which they have
categorized the transport.
What similarities do you see in various groups?
What are the points of distinction among these groups?
Are there any transport which fit into two groups?
Students verbalize their observations and may give
answers like-
Transport can be categorized mainly on the basis of their structure,
where it is used etc.
Phase 6: Make Inferences
Teacher helps the students to define the various types of transport on
the basis of different characteristics.
Students will make inferences with the guidance of the teacher
Land Transport: This is a land transport
because it move along the surface of the land to move from point A to Point B.
Water Transport: These are sea
vehicle because it moves from point a to point b over/under/through the water.
Air Transport: These
vehicles stays off of the ground as it moves from point a to point b.
Strategy 3: Application of Principle
Teacher Activity
Student Activity
Phase 7
Teacher will ask the students to counter check the characteristics
enlisted for each category of transport. For example – what would happen if
the motor vehicles will be replaced with Camels in your city?
What would happen if the camels will be replaced with motor vehicles in
deserts ?
Students ponder over the idea and hypothise the possibilities.
Phase 8 and 9:
Explain, Support and verify Prediction
Teacher asks the students to verify the answer by supporting your
answer. Teacher asks to verify the characteristics of the other groups also.
Students try to think and find out that there may be many problems in
todays society by changing these modes. Students can conclude each mode has
its relevance in particular condition.
Write name for each of the transports.
Categorize various types of transports and write merits and
demerits of each type of transportation.
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